Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Elevator with El Chapo

Elevator with El Chapo

Hey, wait, you're el chapo aren't you? Don't worry buddy I'm not going to call the cops, not like it would matter if they took you in because you'd probly escape in a day or two. See, I had this idea. We have a lot of magicians these days doing sleight of hand tricks, card tricks and dare devil like tricks. Hear me out. El Chapo: Escape artist this Friday Night at the Las Vegas Penitentiary just off the strip. Strippers Liquors and excitement. It'll be great, and probly an easy escape for you. And when you want to go home to your mom, don't worry, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. Now I know you have fame, money and probly a lot of strippers already. However lately you've been getting a bad rep with all of the drug lord drama. This is a new look for you. El Chapo, Baby, let me make you a star.
  • Introduction.
    1. Theorists grounded in behavioral science approach communication using the scientific method.
    2. Theorists grounded in the humanities approach communication through interpreting texts.
    3. Communication theories reflect a variety of methodological approaches, desired outcomes or goals, and levels of investigation.
  • Objective or interpretive: sorting out the labels.
    1. The objective approach and the interpretative approach to communication study differ in starting point, method, and conclusion.
    2. Scholars who do objective study are scientists.
    3. Scholars who do interpretive study are concerned with meaning and reflect a range of ideological and methodological positions. As a result, there is no single unifying or accepted label, although Griffin uses the term “interpretive scholars.”
  • Ways of knowing: discovering truth or creating multiple realities?
    1. Epistemology is the study of the nature of knowledge.
    2. Scientists assume that truth is singular.
      1. Reality is accessible through our senses.
      2. Collectively, scientists can understand the world.
      3. Good theories are mirrors of nature, true as long as conditions remain the same.
    3. Interpretive scholars also seek truth, but they are more tentative about the possibility of revealing objective reality.
      1. Truth is largely subjective; meaning is highly interpretive.
      2. The knower cannot be separated from the known.
      3. Multiple meanings are acceptable.
      4. Successful interpretations are those that convince others.
  • Human nature: determinism or free will.
    1. Determinists argue that heredity and environment determine behavior. 
      1. Scientists favor this stance.
      2. They stress behavior shaped by forces beyond our control or individual awareness.
      3. Behavior is the response to a prior stimulus.
    2. Free will proponents maintain that human behavior is ultimately voluntary.
      1. Interpretive scholars endorse this position.
      2. They focus on conscious choices of individuals, not on why choices are made.
      3. They believe that significant decisions are value laden. 
    3. As individual freedom increases, predictability of behavior decreases.   
  • The highest value: objectivity or emancipation?
    1. Social scientists value objectivity; personal values should not distort human reality.
    2. Interpretive scholars seek to expand the range of free choice; knowledge is never neutral.
    3. Scientists seek effectiveness; interpreters focus on participation
  • The purpose of theory: universal laws or guides for interpretation?
    1. Scientists seek universal laws; interpreters strive to interpret individual texts.
    2. Scientists test theories; interpreters explore the web of meaning constituting human existence.
    3. Scientists seek prediction; interpretive scholars strive for meaning.
  • Objective or interpretive: Why is it important?
    1. You cannot fully understand a theory without knowing its assumptions about truth, human nature, the purpose of theory, and its values.
    2. It is helpful when thinking through theories to have a way of organizing them into objective and interpretive worldviews.
    3. Understanding objective and interpretive points can help you decide what direction to take your course work.
    4. Theorists in both camps believe their area of work will improve relationships and society.
    5. Plotting theories on an objective-interpretive scale: Objective and interpretive labels anchor end of a continuum, with many theories in between.
  • - See more at:

    Sunday, January 24, 2016

    Looky Here Boys and Girls

    This is the start of my blog. I guess I should introduce myself. My name is Jake, maybe you saw my state farm commercial. I've lived in California my whole life. Although I'm unsure of what I want to do in life, I figure that an associates in communication is a great start! And that is just what I 'm doing. I want to apply to a four year university within a few semesters. I look forward to this blog and class for a couple of reasons, the main one being communication skills can be used almost all the time, so it's advantageous to learn them. Thank you for reading my first post, and good night America.