Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Rough Sketch

Jacob Saenz
Fundamental of Public Speaking

How to give a motivational speech

-Dam good exciting hook, I want to make the listener engaged from the start
-I will be loud
-I will be funny
-I must relate to the listener

How I present it
-I will not use different colored fonts
-Power point for sure
-Clean breaks not to fancy
-I need to make sure to relate with some classy pictures
-I need to be careful to I don’t hurt someone’s feelings

-Find a video of a good hook, short
-Find a video of a good joke in a speech
-Show how to make a listener really listen

-I will dress nicely
-I will definitely annunciate what I say
-I will try to stop using phrases and hand gestures that buy time and just say what I want to say.

-I want to be right around 5 minutes
-I want to look professional, the look matters
-I want to make sure people take it serious
- I need humor in it to lighten up the mood

This is just a brainstorm or things I would like to accomplish in my coming up speech. This was all type 1 thinking.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Jacob Saenz, Speech 1 review, type 1 thinking.

·         I need to stop forgetting lines or saying lines in incorrect order. I know that my speech would have flowed better if I had said what was on the paper.
·         I need to stop waiting till before class time to practice my speech aloud. I read my speech constantly leading up to the performance but that ended up not being best.
·         I need to stop looking people directly in the eye when I’m talking up front so that I don’t lose track of what I’m saying.
·         I need to stop talking in loops and just remember my lines.
·         I need to stop standing so dam still, I should move about the room more although in this particular performance I was in an elevator, a confined space.
·         I need to stop dressing casually and dress a bit nicer that way I look more suave and professional.
·         I need to stop relying on others and invest in my own camera so I can properly post the video of my speech to my blog.
·         I really should stop working out directly before class because it fatigues me and I felt rather tired during my speech.
·         I need to stop skipping entire section of my speech because that I really detracting from the main idea.
·         I really need to stop looking at the ground or my shoes when I’m thinking because it definitely shows I don’t know what I’m going to say next.
·         I find that In my speech I am tripping on my words because I’m not %100 on what I’m going to say next so I should work on that.
·         I also need to stop adding stuff in there that shouldn’t be in there, extra lines and such.
·         I need to cut out the “uhs” and “likes” because it shows I’m not sure what I’m going to say next.

·         I need to rehearse my lines aloud more often.
·         I need to start my speech by before coming to class leaving social drama at the door and not bringing it in with me.
·         I need to start rehearsing my lines in front of other peers to make sure I’m getting my message across.
·         I need to focus on where my interaction is happening, as in I need to make sure that next time I do a speech like this is really should explain where the elevator is located.
·         I need to start ironing my clothes before the speech to look more professional.
·         I should start drinking coffee beforehand to make sure my mental focus is at its peak in order to make less mistakes.
·         I need to start practicing the hand movements that I used, because after watching the speech I find myself doing gestures that don’t really align with what I’m saying.
·         I need to focus on my eye movement because in the video my eyes are wilding looking around the room.
·         I should focus on annunciating my words more because in the video I time and time again cringe at myself, because it’s hard to understand what I’m saying.
·         I also need to focus on keep my voice within a certain pitch and level, because it changes so much. However, it’s definitely a good start.
·         I need to start doing more research on my essay because I saw other people had very well constructed speeches do to statistics and research.
·         I need to start with more confidence, from the beginning because I noticed that once the ball was rolling I started doing better and better, but I need to do that from the beginning.

·         I need to continue coming up with creative ideas because it think that creativity leads to and engaging and interesting topic.
·         I need to keep putting humor in my work because if you’re laughing it means you liked it.
·         I need to continue to talk loudly because that helps me engage the audience.
·         I need to continue to smile and appear okay with absolutely everything I say because if I think its right then so does the audience.
·         I need to continue to do hand gestures for the same reasons.
·         I need to continue to have confident body posture because it creates an illusion of control and importance.
·         I need to continue to move about the room, and if anything more so I used all space on the platform leaving no negative space, forcing myself to be the center of attention.
·         I need to continue to be unaffected by how the audience reacts to my material so that it still feels like an authentic private conversation.
·         I need to continue to have good timing in my speech although there is always room for improvement.

·         I need to continue to enjoy myself while I’m up there because when I’m having fun everything looks a lot better.