Monday, March 7, 2016

Motivation Post Speech

Here is a link to my new speech, speech #2.

Overall I felt a lot better about my second speech since I knew what to improve on, look for and continue to do. However, there is still a lot of room for improvement such as but not limited to the following.

·         I have a stage presence when I am up in front of the class. This allows me to be comfortable and easy going so I don’t get to nervous.
·         I want to continue my confidence vibe that I give off for it makes my presentation seem more important.
·         I really liked how in my power point I used funny pictures to engage the class.
·         I want to continue to dress up since it will help me look much more important as it did the day of the speech.
·         I want to continue to use the hand gestures I used since they helped me engage with the audience.
·         I want to keep doing having jokes in my presentation so that I can continue to engage my audience.
·         I want to continue to wear green ties since green is a good color on me.
·         I want to continue to point out minute details that affect how other might perceive one another so that it shows how carefully I have thought about the topic.
·          I want to continue to make more acronyms such as AMEND, because a lot of people really liked my acronym.
·         I really need to stop using filler words such as um or like since this detracts from what I’m saying. It makes the audience believe that I do not know what I’m talking about since I’m struggling on what I’m going to say next.
·         I need to stop playing with my wrist for that is a dead giveaway when I am trying to think about what I’m saying and what I’m going to say next.
·         I want to stop looking around the class to see how people are receiving my message for my message is good from the start and focusing on the nonverbal feedback isn’t going to help my effectively execute what I am trying to execute.
·         I need to stop hitting the gym right before class because I am all tired for the dam speech and I can’t focus on what I’m saying because my calves hurt.
·         I need to stop worrying about my visual presentation all night and just get some sleep, because I look tired in the video.
·         I need to stop researching so many topics with in my subject and narrow it down to just one simple one.
·         I need to start shining my shoes when I dress up for presentation since shiny shoes correlates to power and success
·         I should star rehearsing my presentation in front of people a week before my speech is live so that it flows better.
·         I should rehearse my speech in front of a mirror so that I can see what I look like when I give this speech. Apparently a lot of psychopaths do this so that they can immolate certain micro expressions which in return makes them a better liar. I don’t plan to lie, but acting up on a stage is sort of like lying, so maybe in that sense then yeah.
·         I should start bringing my own camera device so that I can upload the video without having to rely on Daniel, even though he always pulls through.
·         I need to start focusing my research on one main topic so that I have very specific details and empirical data on that and that alone.
·         I need to pay close attention to how much time my speech is and practice it so that I am sure when I need to move on from a slide and when to draw out a slide.
·         I want to start making something little that I can pass out to the class so that they feel obligated to care about whatever it is I am saying.
·         I need to start focusing on easy to understand punch line oriented jokes. I was thinking possibly jokes that play on words, or possibly jokes that are already existing that I can tweak so that it is specific to the subject.
·         Another thing I should start doing is asking the audience question, rhetorical or not, so that they feel another connection between us and will focus in more.
·         I should start treating the speeches more like a one way conversation than a public speaking event, so that it remains personal.
·         I should start changing pitch and tempo throughout the speech so that I capture more attention from the audience.

I also did many moves in my speech. Some of the moves that I did were:
·         Waving my hands slowly back and forth as though I was holding a paint brush, trying to paint the audience a picture with what I was saying.
·         The second move that I did that I though was great would be when I changed slides and slammed the space bar so that it would be even more apparent that I changed slides and ideas.
·         Lastly, I clasped together my hands onto my wrist, which was a bad move that made me look nervous.
      Other moves that other people did that were apparent were:
·         Taka emulating the moves shown in pictures on his slide in real life.
·         Connor slamming the notebook down on the table and raising his voice to grab attention.

·         Daniel’s over all enthusiasm to his speech.