Monday, April 18, 2016

Rough Sketch of Epicness

So we are doing a shark tank like presentation for a product AI: the smart dating service. The concept is simple. We will start with a mock shark tank video explaining the sharks, give a testimony of the service itself and finally the entrance of the two entrepreneurs. Once in the class room Kyle and I will give our pitch to the sharks where we battle the sharks and the sharks battle each other. After throwing some numbers at each other for about ten minutes, we will then conclude our presentation and come up with a reasonable deal.

We need:
The testimony – Jake
Script- Canyon and Taka
Prezi- Kyle

Monday, April 4, 2016

Moves I Liked

Taka: One move Take used that was useful to his presentation was he used a real life scenario/ story of a friend, which brought the audience that much closer to him, his self disclosure was a great move.
Nick: The universe is vast and forever expanding. He used humanity greatest fear; not knowing, and made a speech on it. This move was very smart since it caused me to be uneasy about not knowing what's really out there.
Canyon: He uses a lot of different moves to grab an audience's attention. His best move is the way in which he speaks. He uses pauses, but more importantly he uses some humor. He treats the opposing views of his ideas as light, and jokes around about how serious they actually are, which reinforces his own. It was very nicely played.

Speech 3

Planning: I thought about things that people cared about. Dogs were one of them, I was watching a in the arms of the angels commercial, that was followed by a wounded warriors project commercial. My friend change the channel at the second commercial, and I bothered me once I realized that the majority of people care more about abused animals rather than neglected human beings.

-For my speech I tried to evoke emotion since I felt a successful radical idea must spark something in peoples bellies. However, not all of the thing I did were good for this idea. One example of this would be the torn up dog pictures, it just doesn't really help the idea I'm trying to convey to my audience.
- I want to stop getting myself into a lot of out of class drama right before my speech. IT made the last speech I  gave very challenging since it was hard to focus on anything but my crashed car, no job and living situation.
- I need to stop not dressing up. The first couple of speeches I tried to look presentable but the last I didn't really put a lot of effort into. This is an issue because I felt as though people took me less seriously.
-I want to stop looking around the room when I'm talking to my audience, but rather look  them in the eyes. Politicians do this, and some of the most famous politicians of all time had very radical ideas.
-In the video my voice sounds hoarse, raspy and dry. Now while this is a cool effect in movies, here it sounds like I am dying from no water. I can remember before I went up on stage that I was very thirsty, and that I was about to go get water but was called up and was out of time. From now on I need to bring water to class with me for my speeches.
-I need to start going to the gym again before my speech. In my first two speeches I felt as though I was tired because I worked out before. However, this last speech I did not work out before hand, and I just felt groggy.
-After watching my video I realized that I don't move aloud the room as much as I could. If I were to do this I would be able to convey my message to more people in the room, not just the ones in front of my presentation. Also, this would give me the illusion of power in the room, as if I were Zack or any pother kind of teacher.
-The whole class uses prezi, I think I should start using it to so that presentations go that much smoother, plus prezi has a professional look to it.
-I think I should invest in a better phone so that I can film the speech myself and not have to worry about other doing it for me, this would make me feel better I think.
-A lot of my classmates liked my speech because of the emotion I brought with it. I need to continue to use my anger and frustrations and guide them into my speeches to create a passionate and intense environment for my speech.
-I must continue to evoke emotion in my speech. I noticed that my pictures hit people below the belt, which is exactly what I was trying to do.
-I should always pick serious topics from now on. I felt as though my el chap speech and my last speech had to many jokes or laughable ideas, but when I am serious, it is much better.
-Before this speech I left class to go to the bathroom. While walking to the bathroom I was listening to music to help calm me down, and it did. I would say that my last spe4ech was the best speech so far, so I should try to replicate it and I felt that the music was definetly a positive influence.
-I want to continue to meditate throughout the day so that on the time that my presentation arises I can make sure that I am calm, focused and ready to give the speech I need to give.
-I want to continue to make a over generalized planning sheet so that I have a basic idea of what I want to do, but at the same time I want to make sure that I have freedom to change it to make it exactly how I want it from a creative point of view.